About Mohammad Khayata

Personal Info

Full NameMohammad Sabah Khayata
Birthday2 May 2001
Primary language Arabic (Native)
Current AddressAleppo / Syria
Secondary language English (Proficient)


My career in web application development began when I entered the Faculty of Informatics Engineering, where I learned the basics of programming, object-oriented programming, algorithms, and data structures using C++ and Java languages. I decided to focus on web applications because I saw the world was trending towards them.
In 2019, I started learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. During the quarantine period in 2020, I expanded my knowledge by learning Vue.js, React and Nuxt.js Frameworks.
I am always eager to learn new and popular technologies, and I strive to follow best practices. This has helped me become proficient in searching the internet for the best solutions.
I worked as a team leader with a group of employees. We worked on various large projects such as e-commerce stores, content management applications, educational apps, and other applications.
I have worked as a trainer and mentor, gaining experience in dealing with new employees and trainees. This has taught me how beginners think and how to help them. I aim to continue learning everything related to web application development and to have a role in developing new technologies or improving existing ones. I am particularly interested in issues of logic and programming rather than those of graphics and design.

Work Experience

Frontend Vue.js Developer

MindTorches Irbid - Jordan

I Worked as Freelancer at MindTorches Company on JetOrder project Which is an project that provides customers with the service of creating their own e-commerce, and it is a project that consists of 3 applications. two control panels, a main dashboard for project management and a dashboard for the store owner, and a mobile application .

Frontend Team Lead

ELKOOD Syria - Aleppo

In Jan - 2022 i started working in a new position as Frontend Team Lead at ELKOOD , My main job was to supervise projects and assign tasks to my frontend team members and training new jonior developers. I built a new structure for the new projects Where the principle of the architecture was to divide the project files according to the services provided by the project, somewhat similar to the ddd architecture, then I started using a new technologies to keep up with the development that is happening in the frontend community, so i started Using TypeScript with Vue.js 3 and Vite to build more cohesive projects and better development environment and for optimized SEO and Server Side Rendering , I started Uing Nuxt Js with pinia state management

Frontend Vue.js Developer

ELKOOD Syria - Aleppo

I started in EKOOD as Vue.js jonior developer , I Worked on many projects with the team , we used technologies and libraries like Vuejs, bootstrap , vuetify , scss , Three.Js and GreenSock. I built a reusable template for the next projects that includes a lot of reusable components and functionality. I Worked on different types of projects , eCommerces like Awija TinplateIndustrial and Reviera Pharma Project , dashboards to manage the content of the projects , Landing Pages like ProMarketing and Root Agency website

Frontend Vue.js Developer

Freelancer online

After learning the basics of developing web applications, I created some training projects for practicing .. in addition to working on some small projects (such as landing pages) for some clients in the region.

My Skills

Proficient with languages and framewoks


Expertusing Tools and Libraries


Familiarwith frameworks and languages
